Meditation for a Calm Heart - Find Your Path Challenge Day 1

Day 1 is all about clearing and calming the nervous system so you can make decisions from a more heart-centered place.

I've been practicing it since mid-pandemic 2020, and I love how it relieves anxiety and promotes mental clarity. It's a perfect intro to kundalini if you're new, and it's serving as the foundation for our way forward.

You see, this breathwork allows you clear perception of your relationship to self and others. It's calming and clearing your energy so you can move from a heart-centered place (rather than a logical one), because being in the heart is where the magic's at.

When you lead from the heart, and make decisions from that place, you're already on the path to a deeper connection with your authentic expression.

Don't forget to bring a journal and pen to complete the journal prompt live with us or immediately after. It's important to try and do this while you're still in the energy of the meditation vs. later when you're back in your logical mind.


Bees Breath to Nurture Peace & Reduce Stress


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